All files are in WAV format. Click on the face to download the file.

FileName Size (Bytes) Download
4workphr 179,454
abyss 94,008
answerin 126,300
antor 141,254
assfreak 34,260
bathtub 49,814
beans 36,652
beatup 144,430
bellini 52,173
bible 155,398
bigshove 197,676
blimblam 657,764
boilbas 83,694
brownstu 74,969
cab.wav 90,560
cabbagehead 166,762
cancer 160,436
car 62,082
chicken 34,994
clbirth 173,934
company 58,818
confused 113,198
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delphar7 213,876
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et 253,226
evilevil 42,549
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fiopower 122,557
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fraud 255,414
fuzzy 170,502
gavin 129,425
gerald 201,774
gin 204,346
green 30,706
grinder 176,939
hitler 103,528
hodeeoht 160,694
hotforyo 69,360
insane 30,536
irony 26,748
isellshu 152,665
justacak 210,410
kane 119,248
kith11 46,464
kith-freak 77,383
kithjump 73,774
kithpric 22,574
leafgame 106,996
lesbians 54,156
liked 26,884
lobster 68,142
lopez1 48,886
madwpowr 149,850
mercy 70,804
mort 195,848
myright 78,002
naked 123,768
nasty 39,656
nobody1 282,284
officsub 181,850
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pens 221,548
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sacrafic 184,626
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sexboy 125,534
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sheets 138,298
sick 34,906
sister 79,380
sleezy 281,662
sorry 80,528
squeal 78,888
steeltoe 169,376
stumps 96,698
stupid 125,671
subcrap 71,534
terrier 52,734
thoughts 25,370
thrsaguy 155,134
tonight 96,250
touchy 40,804
wally 423,632
wefreaks 48,174
welcome 56,812
wesvrgay 349,100
whatsup 21,048
withpepl 221,184
xray 65,654